Thursday, August 28, 2008

Still no Ella

So I just got back from the Dr. and I am still only dilated to a 2. No more progress. She said that at this point she didn't want to induce because it would only increase my chances of a c-section. So, I get to go back to Lubbock tomorrow for some Fetal Monitoring. What fun! She did say however, that if I get to be two weeks outside of my due date they will go ahead and induce because that increases my risk of a c-section anyway because of the babies size. But there is still hope, I am only two days out of my due date. Keep praying that she'll be here soon. Mama's ready!!


rachelprice said...

Well I did wish that she would be born in Sept. so she could start school with my kid and they could be ACU roommates or get married(depending on baby Price's gender), but I really am starting to feel sorry for you so come on Ella!!!

Winter Wonderland said...

Oh man Laura, you have to be miserable. I'll be praying Ella decides she's ready soon!!!

rachelprice said...

Congrats Mom and Dad!! Can't wait to see Baby Ella's picture soon! I guess I got my wish on a September 1st baby!! Love yall!!