Thursday, August 28, 2008

Still no Ella

So I just got back from the Dr. and I am still only dilated to a 2. No more progress. She said that at this point she didn't want to induce because it would only increase my chances of a c-section. So, I get to go back to Lubbock tomorrow for some Fetal Monitoring. What fun! She did say however, that if I get to be two weeks outside of my due date they will go ahead and induce because that increases my risk of a c-section anyway because of the babies size. But there is still hope, I am only two days out of my due date. Keep praying that she'll be here soon. Mama's ready!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Fun Day with the Tbo family

So most of you know that I was adopted. Well, when you're adopted you don't know anyone that looks like you unless of course you know some people in your family, I don't. So, when I married Jim first of all I thought it was so cool that Jim actually knows and is friends with his dad's cousins kids. He grew up with them going to Camp Blue Haven. But not only does he know them, they all look alike, especially the Turnbough boys. This is so intriguing to me, as funny as it sounds. So, since I love event planning and Jim's family is a very good family-family then I have been planning their family reunion for the past two years. Jim's great-grandmother Ella "Granny" Turnbough, yes who we are also naming our child after, passed away about 10 years ago and at that time she said that they better not stop doing the family reunion. Well, of course they did because no one would take it on and everyone got scattered as kids got older and married with their own kids. So this year we had about 40 people come from all over to Lubbock for a day of fun at Buffalo Springs Lake. It's a great place to get together and the kids can swim which is a huge blessing because it keeps them occupied. Needless to say, I was especially exhausted by the end of the day and was having contractions so I thought Ella might decide to make her appearance but no, they were just "you've been on your feet too long" contractions so when I finally ate and sat down they stopped. Here are a few pics from our fun day with the Tbo family.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The life of a pregnant lady

So when you're this pregnant you get to go see the Dr. once a week. It may not seem like that big of a deal but I have to drive 90 miles to Lubbock to do this and at this point pretty much every week is the same. You're blood pressure is good, is the baby moving?, let's hear the heart beat... Same ol same ol. So what was different today? NOTHING. I was totally expecting to be at least a little more dilated but NO, Miss Ella seems to like it a little to much in there. There are days that I think she won't ever come out. Who knows, but for today I was truly bummed when she broke the news. Oh well we always have next week!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Self Portraiture

So Rachel talked me into blogging for Miss Ella. Today I was in the studio and decided to do a little self-portraiture. I will be officially 39 weeks tomorrow and I am so ready. I went to the Dr. on Thursday and she said that I could go into labor at anytime. All I need to do is dilate. Jim makes fun of me and says that I try to coax her out. Well, maybe I do! That's one of the beauties of pregnancy that it truly is a surprise as to when they will arrive which we really don't have many true surprises anymore. We are really looking forward to welcoming our baby girl!